I have a mission. I am starting to believe that reach is being limited by the proliferation of optimization in the digital space and I want to find out more. Remarketing, behavioural targeting, and look alike strategies all contribute to narrowing down the campaign exposure to people
Read more →Social media-can’t live with it, can’t live without it! In today’s ever-growing social media world, it seems that the latter statement holds more truth. According to research compiled by FinanceOnline, which was taken from PEW, Nielsen and Burst Media, women are using social media more than men.
Read more →It is a pretty safe assumption that no one likes junk mail. We’ve all been subject to dealing with missing that little checked box or having our contact information mysteriously passed around. But what if we didn’t have to deal with it anymore? That is exactly what
Read more →As European TV imports continue to expand into our market be first to check out the new cult TV hit- Lilyhammer on Netflix It is really quite astounding how many of our favourite North American TV shows were originally developed in Europe before being remade and released
Read more →After a busy week of upfronts, Bell Media did not disappoint! The show dazzled its crowd with several acts of Cirque Du Soleil and of course, various celebrity appearances. Of note this year is the wide array of new comedies, dramas and daytime programming, that has resulted
Read more →Another day – another upfront – another opportunity to check out the latest and greatest! The Shaw upfront was certainly not one to disappoint, and boy did it turn a crowd! The new network, DTour, was introduced and a new connection with Twitter was announced. This was
Read more →Upfronts are always a time to look forward to. Although this excitement and allure of needing to be at the upfronts has somewhat declined over the years, it is still fun to get out for the night, check out the latest and greatest TV celebs (maybe meet
Read more →Welcome media junkies to the M&K Media “media” blog! We are very excited to share with you our take on any important developments within the media landscape that we feel need to be noticed or commented upon. Just like the service we offer, we will cover all
Read more →Google has announced a suite of new analytic tools intended to provide a “universal currency” for measuring the performance of online ad campaigns. The new tools, which include a measure of whether served ads are actually visible to surfers as well as a gross rating point system
Read more →What happens when legendary admen of yesteryear are given cutting-edge digital tools to revisit their greatest moments? If Google’s Re: Brief is anything to go by, you unlock the creative potential of new media advertising. http://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/quarterly/creativity/project-rebrief.html
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