Are We Listening? Radio during COVID-19

    As Canadians adapt to spending more time at home, consumers’ lives and media habits continue to change. Radio Connects recently issued a report* showing how these changes have affected radio. Some of their key findings were: Radio has retained 88% of its reach compared to

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Future Unfolding Before Our Eyes

What we see today will drive our evolution into the new normal. Is this the future unfolding before our eyes? In a recent IPSOS webinar, several trends were identified that may be with us for some time. The primary of these was the “triumph of science”, noting

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Canadian media habits continue to change

Canadian media habits are changing as the “new normal” starts to set in. But, Canadians aren’t feeling settled yet…or anywhere close After the initial panic, some things have settled and media habits have changed. However, Canadian’s are still feeling uncertain about what the immediate as well as

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Changing Social Posting Behaviour

It is no surprise that, in times of crisis and social upheaval, digital social behaviour will change as well. We seek hope and reassurance from others, we seek information and we seek better ways to cope with this great disruption in our lives. Cluep Inc., reports for

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Are Esports Becoming Mainstream?

As traditional sports remain on pause, esports may move towards the Mainstream. We are now a few weeks into social distancing from Covid-19, and media habits have already shown rapid changes. There has been a specifically large change in sports media, where networks are dealing with all

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Changing media habits as Canadians adapt to “new normal”

Media habits are changing rapidly as Canadians begin to adapt to our “new normal” and M&K Media has been closely monitoring the CoVid-19 crisis to begin to understand how the “new normal” will effect businesses and the evolving media landscape. Below are 6 key changes to media

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Breanne Scott, Media Supervisor

In recognition of Breanne’s ongoing  and excellent contribution to M&K Media and our clients, effective immediately, Breanne has been promoted to Media Supervisor. Breanne has been with us just over 4 years and during this time has always acted in a highly professional manner and has put

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M&K Media Expansion Results in New Hire – Jill McDonald

M&K Media is pleased to welcome Jill McDonald as Media Account Director to our team as the result of a number of recent new business wins including Conagra Foods Canada. Jill is a graduate of Western University’s Bachelor of Arts in Media Information and Technoculture. She also

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Trump, Baseball, Sunny Weather and Methodology Changes Drive Fall 2016 Shortfalls in Television Viewing for Canadian Suppliers

Trump, Baseball, Sunny Weather and Methodology Changes Drive Fall 2016 Shortfalls in Television Viewing for Canadian Suppliers

The Fall TV Numeris ratings are in. According to Numeris Fall 2016 TV PPM data overall national hours tuned in Canada are down 4% vs the same period in 2015. This is a substantial drop vs the previous 4 years where audience erosion has been less apparent

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Is Pick-and-Pay the Cheaper Option?

Is Pick-and-Pay the Cheaper Option?

Due to consumer complaints about the high cost of cable packages, the CRTC mandated that by March 1, cable operators must offer lower cost options. At the time of the announcement it was understood that the lower cost option would include a basic $25 service option, “skinny

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