Changing media habits as we adapt to “new normal”
Media habits are changing rapidly as Canadians begin to adapt to our “new normal” and M&K Media has been closely monitoring the CoVid-19 crisis to begin to understand how the “new normal” will effect businesses and the evolving media landscape.
Below are 6 key changes to media consumption over the past few weeks that we are tracking.
- As Canadians turn inwards and hunker down at home, their time spent with media is increasing in general
- People are seeking out content to occupy their time at home
- They are spending more time with digital and TV in the home
- TV tuning is on the rise
- Linear TV is seeing more time spent during the day
- Canadians are tuning in to stay up date with the news, but also they are turning to TV and streaming services to escape the news
- Digital and social media seeing sharp increase in time spent
- Increase in social, news sites, government sites and Ecommerce are contributing to the rise
- Canadians are flocking to recipe content and parenting tips to keep their household busy and running
- All Recipes and Today’s Parent have seen major growth
- Radio is being viewed as a trusted source for information and a companion
- Out of home radio tuning is shifting to in home tuning
- Streaming / podcasts on the rise
- OOH is trending downwards
- Less street counts driving loss – both vehicular and pedestrian
- Newspaper – an interesting area we are monitoring
- News consumption is up and Canadians are relying on trusted news sources to stay on top of the crisis
- We suspect those that subscribe to papers are reading more at home
- Gov’t relief for newspaper in the works
- Paywalls have been released
- Globe and Post
- Toronto Star has limited paywalls still
- Paywalls have been released
We will continue to work with clients, partners and vendors to keep on top of the ever changing situation.
Stay safe! We are all in this together.